Hi, SL,
I see. It's not the Easycheckbox problem, but your cart module. No plug-in would work with this cart module. Very strange developers didn't see that, or maybe you need and update.
But the problem is here:
Module has an empty hidden container for products in cart and when you add product to cart, hidden container is cloned and filled with VM data. VM return data comes with keys and module fills container the way it looks for each key to find right css class in container and fills it.
Problem is that "customProductData" css class is missing inside hidden container. That's way plug-ins data isn't shown.
So to fix it (if module update doesn't help), you must find where this hidden container is declared (for example inside root/modules/MOD_NAME/tmpl/default.php)
code should be something like:
And then it should work.
Best Regards,
I see. It's not the Easycheckbox problem, but your cart module. No plug-in would work with this cart module. Very strange developers didn't see that, or maybe you need and update.
But the problem is here:
Module has an empty hidden container for products in cart and when you add product to cart, hidden container is cloned and filled with VM data. VM return data comes with keys and module fills container the way it looks for each key to find right css class in container and fills it.
Problem is that "customProductData" css class is missing inside hidden container. That's way plug-ins data isn't shown.
So to fix it (if module update doesn't help), you must find where this hidden container is declared (for example inside root/modules/MOD_NAME/tmpl/default.php)
code should be something like:
<div id="flexible_hiddencontainer" style=" display: none; "> <div class="flexibleCartContainer"> <div class="flexible_product_row"> <div class="flexible_image"></div> <div class="subtotal_with_tax"></div> <div class="product_name"></div> <div class="product_sku"></div> <div class="quantity"></div> <div id="flexible_remove" class="product_cart_id"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div>And you need to add
<div class="customProductData"></div>just after
<div class="product_name"></div>
And then it should work.
Best Regards,
When I select options on a product details page, the price updates correctly.
When I Add to Cart, the proper options get registered.
I'm using an ajax dropdown shopping cart; the product shows correctly with the updated price of selected options - but the selected options only show after a page reload.
So I'm assuming Ajax sends the correct options price but not their name, price and quantity.
My question is: how to I get Easycheckbox with Quantities to refresh all informations through ajax?
You can see what I mean at:
Select the first product on the upper left and add options before adding to cart..
Don't go to checkout. Close the lightbox and hover the shopping cart in the upper right of the page. You'll see the correct product and price but not the options. Reload the page and you'll see everything..
Thank you