I find this very strange... Those notice issues. $separator is defined in first line of the function (line 620) and line 654 is commented, so I don't understand why you get this error. Also, priceClass should be defined too. So I don't have any clue why this errors are given.
Which PHP do you use? And which Easycheckbox?
For wrong price, em... Do you use multi currencies? Or only $? Which one is your default and which one product price is in?
Cause I believe, Easycheckbox thinks you input price in Euro and try to convert it into $.
You can send me login information to your page to my mail info@sm-planet.net or contact me with skype and I'll check your backend for settings.
Best Regards,
I find this very strange... Those notice issues. $separator is defined in first line of the function (line 620) and line 654 is commented, so I don't understand why you get this error. Also, priceClass should be defined too. So I don't have any clue why this errors are given.
Which PHP do you use? And which Easycheckbox?
For wrong price, em... Do you use multi currencies? Or only $? Which one is your default and which one product price is in?
Cause I believe, Easycheckbox thinks you input price in Euro and try to convert it into $.
You can send me login information to your page to my mail info@sm-planet.net or contact me with skype and I'll check your backend for settings.
Best Regards,
We recently upgraded Joomla2.5 to Joomla3.6 and Virtuemart2 to Virtuemart3. We have also upgraded your extension to the latest one, but a few issues came up. Please, note also that I have already replaced the symbol '|' with the '#' in the database. So, here are the issues:
a) The prices on the custom fields are appearing with taxes in frontend although when I select them they are added in the cart without taxes. For example: I have a custom field "25-pin to RC Radio Cable (+$21.19)" - you see the price in the brackets appears with tax. When I select it, the right amount is added, which is $19.00. How can I get rid of the taxes calculated in the brackets? I want to show $19.00, not $21.19.
b) When I add a product in the cart, then I get 4 notices: such as "Notice: Undefined variable: priceClass in /var/www/vhosts/extend.gr/casestudies.extend.gr/roboteq/plugins/vmcustom/easycheckbox/easycheckbox.php on line 638". Same for variables separator and salesPrice1.
For all the above you can see an example product here: https://casestudies.extend.gr/roboteq/index.php/component/virtuemart/hdc2450s-detail?Itemid=970 (it's in our developement area)
This is quite urgent.
Thank you!