Go to [root]/plugins/vmcustom/catproduct/catproduct/tmpl
and choose teplate you are using for your catproduct. If you use main template, then you need to go to group_layouts folder and open default.php.
Then search for this line:
if ($parametri["show_name"] == 1) { echo $currency->showTableField('td','cell_name',$product['child']['product_name'], 'data-title="'.JText::_('CATPRODUCT_TABLE_NAME_FIELD').'"');}
replace it with
if ($parametri["show_name"] == 1) { echo $currency->showTableField('td','cell_name','<a href="index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id='.$product['child']['virtuemart_product_id'].'">'.$product['child']['product_name'].'</a>', 'data-title="'.JText::_('CATPRODUCT_TABLE_NAME_FIELD').'"');}
This will add link to product name field. Use similar if you want to add link to some other field.
Best Regards,
Go to [root]/plugins/vmcustom/catproduct/catproduct/tmpl
and choose teplate you are using for your catproduct. If you use main template, then you need to go to group_layouts folder and open default.php.
Then search for this line:
if ($parametri["show_name"] == 1) { echo $currency->showTableField('td','cell_name',$product['child']['product_name'], 'data-title="'.JText::_('CATPRODUCT_TABLE_NAME_FIELD').'"');}
replace it with
if ($parametri["show_name"] == 1) { echo $currency->showTableField('td','cell_name','<a href="index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id='.$product['child']['virtuemart_product_id'].'">'.$product['child']['product_name'].'</a>', 'data-title="'.JText::_('CATPRODUCT_TABLE_NAME_FIELD').'"');}
This will add link to product name field. Use similar if you want to add link to some other field.
Best Regards,
is it possible to have a link to the original product in the catproduct view for example like in the cat product content plugin
Best regard